"The continuation of Assistantship / Fellowship / Scholarship will be subject to monthly attendance and satisfactory academic performance".

CSIR Fellowship (for Ph.D. students)
Sr.No Description Amount Download Joining and other related forms.
1 Junior Research Fellow Rs. 37,000/- for 2 years.
2 Senior Research Fellow Rs. 42,000/- for next 3 years.
3 Contingency 20,000/- p.a.
Maximum period of 5 years including JRF and SRF.


CSIR SPMF (Shyama Prasad Mukkerjee Fellowship)
Sr.No Description Amount Download Joining and other related forms.
1 Junior Research Fellow Rs.43,000/- for 2 years.
2 Senior Research Fellow Rs. 50,000/- for next 3 years.
3 Contingency 70,000/- p.a.
Maximum period of 5 years including JRF and SRF.


UGC Fellowship (for Ph.D. students)
UGC Fellowship (HSS and Engg. & Technology.)
Sr.No Description Amount Download Joining and other related forms.
1 Junior Research Fellow Rs. 37,000/- for 2 years. Plus Contingency amount Rs. 12000/- per year.
2 Senior Research Fellow Rs. 42,000/- for next 3 years. Contingency amount Rs. 25,000/- per year
Maximum period of 5 years including JRF and SRF.