
An event marking the Commencement for the graduating students of year 2024 will be held on Friday, 3 May 2024, in the Convocation Hall of the Institute. 

What is Commencement?

Commencement is a special event to be conducted once every year to gather all students likely to graduate in the upcoming convocation of the Institute, congratulate them, and wish them the best for their future career.  Here, “likely to graduate” is based on the year of joining and the normal duration of a program. It does not depend on completion of any graduation requirements (such as, courses and grades).  Participating in the Commencement event does not mean that the student has graduated. 

The event is to be held  soon after the end semester examinations of the Jan-April semester, before the graduating batch leaves the campus. This gives an opportunity for the entire graduating batch to celebrate their stay in the institute along with their batchmates, and also invite their family and friends to the campus to partake in the joy.

The event will be similar to the traditional Convocation ceremony: uniformly dressed students, Academic procession, Chief Guest and Director address, photo-op with the Director, and a Pledge.   However, it will be devoid of conferring degrees, medals, or special awards to the students, since they are yet to complete the requirements of graduation.

Registration for Commencement

The following batches of students are eligible to register for Commencement 2024. Eligibility is based on the joining year and the normal duration of the course. Hence, students are eligible to register even if they have backlogs. Note that degrees will be awarded only after all graduation requirements are completed. 




Batch Year Criterion


Bachelors (4 yr)

2020 or earlier


Bachelors+Masters Dual degree (5 yr)

2019 or earlier


Masters (2 yr)

2022 or earlier


Masters (3 yr)*

2021 or earlier


PhD, including Masters+PhD Dual degree

Any year, presyn completed by 19 April 2024**

*Exemptions can be sought through DPGC+Dean AP, if a student is likely to graduate in 2-years instead of the normal 3-years.
**Supervisor may provide an override in the Registration portal (below) if the presyn is not submitted by 19 April 2024, but the thesis is likely to be submitted by 31 Oct 2024.

Register here to attend Commencement 2024 (accessible only within IITB network)

Login to this portal is through SSO, you have to authorise “ASC’s My Portal” for the first time when prompted. 

Report here, any issue you face with the registration.  You can view here the status of action taken on your issue.


  1. I am eligible, but unable to register.
    Use the link above to report the specific error you are seeing on the portal.

  2. I will be graduating this year, but my program/batch is not listed above.
    Contact the academic section.

  3. Is it mandatory to attend the Commencement?
    No. This event is merely to celebrate your stay in the institute. Attending or not attending this event has no consequence whatsoever to your degree or any other requirements of your stay here.

  4. If I attend the Commencement event now, does it mean I cannot attend the corresponding degree granting function?
    No, they are independent. You can attend your department degree granting function or the Interim Convocation in February whichever is scheduled first after you complete the graduation requirements.

  5. When will I get my degree?
    As is usual, your degree will be awarded soon after you complete your degree requirements, either in the department degree granting function in August, or in the Interim Convocation held in February.

  6. Why two events: Commencement and Convocation?
    A large number of students are not able to make it to the Main Convocation due to their work commitments and travel distance. Students no longer have their hostel rooms in August and they have to make arrangements for stay and travel. Monsoon rains in August are also a deterrent for some. Managing a large number of students for degree awarding and felicitation photo-op is becoming increasingly challenging for the institute. The degree granting functions will now take place in department organised events in the third week of August.  The Interim Convocation which is held in February will continue to be held in its present form.

  7. How many Commencement events can I attend?
    Only one. If you attend this Commencement (eg. 2024) and if you do not get the degree in the upcoming Convocation (i.e., 2024), you will not be able to attend any of the future Commencements (eg. 2025).

  8. I plan to submit my PhD pre-syn in May (or soon after), do I need to wait till the Commencement next year?
    Not necessary. If your supervisor can certify that you are likely to submit the thesis by 31 October 2024, please ask them to login to and “Add override” against your name.  After this, you will be able to register and attend Commencement 2024. Decision to add an override is entirely at the discretion of the supervisor.

Dress Code

  • Ladies: White Sari or Salwar–Kurta

  • Gents: White Kurta–Pyjama or –Dhoti

  • Colour coded uttariya

  • Footwear: Formal/traditional shoes or sandals (hawaii, slippers, or casuals not permitted)

Other rules

  1. Following are mandatory for entry to the convocation hall:

    a. Online Registration

    b. IITB Student ID card

    c. Recommended dress with Uttariya

  2. During registration, you have to provide names of Visitors (parents, family, friends) who will be your guests on the day of the Commencement. Note that there is no provision for providing accommodation to the visitors.

  3. Download the Visitor Entry/Exit pass and share the PDF or a screenshot with your guests. They have to show the pass on a printout or on a mobile, along with their Govt. recognised photo ID card at the campus gates, for entry and exit during 2 to 4 May 2024.

  4. Institute will provide you with complimentary food coupons (for yourself and your guests but not more than three coupons per registered student) for free lunch boxes to be served on 3 May 2024.  Collect the food coupons when you collect the uttariyas from your department office on 02 May 2024.

  5. Personal photography or video recording will not be permitted inside the convocation hall.  Institute has arranged for professional recording and those will be made available to the students free of charge. Students can also take pictures at selfie points in the Kshitij Garden.