"The continuation of Assistantship / Fellowship / Scholarship will be subject to monthly attendance and satisfactory academic performance".

Sr.No Name of Fellowship Degree Amount payable to each student Selection Procedure
1 SJM School of Management Endowment Scholarship Ph.D. Rs. 28,000/- p.m. for the first two year with the provision of enhancement to Rs. 31,000/- p.m. based on the assesment of the recommandation of the RPC. The increase in Endowment Fellowship is effective from July 2010.
The Scholarships will be awarded on the academic performance which will be determined on the basis of CPI/Progress Seminar performance. The Scholarships are renewable every year. Sponsored candidate will not be eligible for scholarship. Payable for period of 5 years or until the submission of synopsis & thesis which ever is earlier.
As per Institute procedures
2 IITB Monash Scholarship Ph.D. Ist 2 Yr. Rs. 41,000 p.m. next 2 Yr. Rs. 46,000 p.m. -
3 EATON Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ph.D. Rs. 30.000/- p.m. for first two years, next two years Rs. 35,000/- p.m. Plus Rs. 1,50000/- for attanding one national/international conference
period for a maximum of four years.
Selection through Department.
4 SERB (Purdue Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (for 12 months)) Ph.D. USD 2000 p.m. + one time contingency grant Rs. 60,000 + onward journey fair Selection through Department.