Guidelines and Procedures for the Award of Honorary Degrees/Professor Emeritus/Honorary Fellow of the Institute


  • HONORARY DEGREES (D.Sc. (Honoris Causa)/ D. Litt. (Honoris Causa)

D.Sc.(Honoris Causa)/ D. Litt. (Honoris Causa)


The conferment of the honorary degree Doctor of Science [D.Sc. (Honoris Causa)] / Doctor of Literature[D. Litt. (Honoris Causa)] is the most distinguished honor that the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay can bestow on an individual. This honour of the Institute is to be conferred on a distinguished person who has consistently made outstanding contributions over a considerable period of time in the pursuit of knowledge and achievements in human progress, mainly in the Academic and/or Research environment in the field of Science, Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences.

However, the conferment of honorary degree of Doctor of Science [D.Sc. (Honoris Causa)] / Doctor of Literature [D. Litt. (Honoris Causa)] will not necessarily be an annual feature.


1. Conferment of the honorary degree should be within the areas of Science, Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences and would preferably be designated as Doctor of Science [D.Sc.(Honoris Causa)] and Doctor of Literature [D.Litt.(Honoris Causa)]
2. The person to whom the honorary degree is to be bestowed, should have consistently outstanding contributions over a considerable period of time in the pursuit of knowledge and achievements in human progress in the field of Science, Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, through large scale programmes in Agencies / Organizations, irrespective of his/her organizational affiliations and nationality.


1. The Senate Search Committee will invite nominations (in a prescribed format) from various Departments/ Centers/ Schools/ IDPs of the Institute any time during the year. Each proposal to the Senate for consideration of the conferment of the honorary degree should clearly state the contributions of the individual concerned to the pursuit of knowledge and achievements in human progress.
2. Nominations may be made jointly by not less than five faculty members from from the same Department / Center/ School / IDP (proposed, seconded and supported by three faculty members).
3. Nomination should be forwarded to the Senate Search Committee duly endorsed by the Head of the Department concerned.
4. Individual Department / Center/ School / IDP can make a maximum of one nomination during a calender year.
5. Nomination should not be made in favor of a deceased person.
6. The nomination proposal may also include a detailed resume and contributions of the individual concerned in the prescribed form.
7. Subsequent to the receipt of nominations from various Departments / Centers / IDPs, the Senate Search Committee will consider all the nominations at its meeting and recommend suitable name(s) for award of the honorary degree to the Senate for approval. The names proper should not figure in the Agenda or Minutes of the Senate at that stage.
8. On approval of the Senate, the Chairman, Senate, may be authorized to initiate further appropriate action (such as obtaining approval of the Board of Governors and thereof approval of the Visitor of the Institute through Min. of HRD).
9. Honorary degrees may be conferred during the course of a regular Convocation or at a special Convocation. The degree shall preferably be conferred in person.
10. Each conferment should be accompanied by a citation. The format of the citation has to be left flexible enough so that it could be in accordance with the nature of achievement and the personality concerned and the text of the citation should highlight the specific nature of the outstanding contributions in pursuit of knowledge and in the field of human endeavor for which the honour is conferred. (The Senate Search Committee may be entrusted with the drafting of the citation).



The institution of the title "Professor Emeritus"of the Institute is a symbolic step in laying the foundation of continuity and performance of academic association for life. This is a cherished tradition of all great Centers of Learning. It is a honour of high distinction. This title will be conferred on a Professor of the Institute in recognition of his/her having devoted a "major part" of his/her life and scientific career in enhancing the academic and scientific status and prestige of the Department / School / Interdisciplinary Programme, to which he/she belonged as a center of learning, through national and international recognition.


1. The title of "PROFESSOR EMERITUS" will be conferred on a Professor of the Institute in recognition of his/her having devoted his / her academic career in enhancing the academic status and prestige of the Department / School / Interdisciplinary Programme, to which he/she belonged, as a Center of Learning, through national and international recognition.
2. He / She should no longer be in the service of the Institute at the time of conferment of the title.


1. The Senate Search Committee will invite nominations (in a prescribed format) from various Departments / Schools / Centers / IDPs of the Institute.
2. Subsequent to the receipt of nominations from various Departments / Schools / Centers / IDPs, the Senate Search Committee will consider all the nominations at its meeting and recommend suitable name for award of title of "PROFESSOR EMERITUS" to the Senate, ordinarily by 31st January every year for approval.
3. The recommendations made by the "Senate Search Committee" should not appear in the Agenda or Minutes of the Senate. They will be announced by the Chairman Senate. The recommendations of the Search Committee shall not be discussed on the floor of the Senate. However, if any modifications are desired, the matter will be referred back by the Senate Member to the Senate Search Committee, in writing.
4. On approval of the Senate, the Chairman, Senate, may be authorized to initiate further appropriate action (such as obtaining approval of the Board of Governors).
5. The title of Professor Emeritus may be conferred at an informal gathering by the Chairman, Senate.(for example at a tea meeting of the Senate members along with other invitees.)The title of "Professor Emeritus" shall preferably be conferred in person.
6. Each conferment should be accompanied by a citation. The format of the citation has to be left flexible enough so that it could be in accordance with the nature of contributions made by the Professor during his/her tenure of service with the Institute.(The Senate Search Committee may be entrusted with the drafting of the citation).
1. Nomination for the "Professor Emeritus" may be proposed any time after the retirement of the faculty member from service (regular or by re-appointment including Emeritus Fellowship as the case may be).
2. Nominations for the honour of Professor Emeritus may be made jointly by not less than five faculty members from the department to which the nominee belonged (proposed, seconded and supported by three faculty members) of which at least two must be members of the Senate.
3. Nomination should be forwarded to the Senate Search Committee duly endorsed by the Head of the Department concerned.
4. Nomination should not be made in favor of a deceased person.
5. The nomination proposal may also include a detailed resume and contributions of the individual concerned in the prescribed formatt.
6. The Senate Search Committee, after scrutinizing the nominations received, will make appropriate proposals to the Senate for approval.


1. Free library membership for Life time.
2. Invitation as a Distinguished person in important functions of the Institute
3. He/she will be shown all the courtesies due to a person having long association with the Institute and on whom a high honour has been conferred.
4. He/She may be called upon by the Institute to assist in any capacity for which his/her stature as an elder and respected academic person may be needed.
5. The name of the "Processor Emeritus" should be included in the Faculty list of the Institute, Courses of Study Bulletin and other such documents of academic nature.



The conferment of the title "Honorary Fellow" of the Institute, on an individual is a distinguished honor given to a person, other than the Institute Faculty, who would have a long association with the Institute and have greatly contributed a "major part" of his/her life and scientific career in enhancing the academic and scientific status and prestige of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as a Center of Excellence in Learning, through different forms of association with the Institute, for example-

  • Alumni who have distinguished themselves exceptionally as scientists, technologists and academics.
  • Distinguished Scientists, technologists and academics of organizations who have built a record of long association with the academic and the research programmes of the Institute.

This exceptional honour is conferred on a person for life who has been working outside the Institute but has maintained close links with it. This is an honorary position and is given to a person in recognition of the long record of his/her association with the Institute and outstanding achievements in his/her professional work.


1. The title of "HONORARY FELLOW" of the Institute will be conferred on an individual other than the faculty of the Institute in recognition of his/her long association in different forms.He/She should have contributed "major part" of his/her life and scientific career in enhancing the academic and scientific status and prestige of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as a Center of Excellence of Learning.
2. The person who has worked for a short period of time at the Institute may also be considered for the award. However, his/her contribution during the period of employment with the Institute should not be considered for the award.


1. Nominations (in a prescribed format) from various Departments/ Centers/ Schools / IDPs of the Institute may be made any time during the year.
2. Nominations may be made jointly by not less than five faculty members (proposed, seconded and supported by three faculty members) of which at least two must be members of the Senate.
3. Nomination should not be made in favor of a deceased person.
4. The nomination proposal may also include a detailed resume and contributions of the individual concerned in the prescribed form.
5. Subsequent to the receipt of nominations from various Departments / Centers / Schools / IDPs, the Senate Search Committee will consider all the nominations at its meeting and recommend suitable name for award of title of "HONORARY FELLOW" of the Institute, to the Senate, ordinarily by 31st January every year.
6. The recommendations made by the "Senate Search Committee" should not appear in the Agenda or Minutes of the Senate. They will be announced by the Chairman Senate.The recommendations of the Search Committee shall not be discussed on the floor of the Senate.However,if any modifications are desired, the matter will be referred back by the Senate Member to the Senate Search Committee,in writing.
7. On approval of the Senate, the Chairman, Senate, may be authorized to initiate further appropriate action (such as obtaining approval of the Board of Governors etc.).
8. The title of "Honorary Fellow" of the Institute may be conferred at an informal gathering by the Chairman, Senate. (for example at a tea meeting of the Senate members along with other invitees.) The title of "HONORARY FELLOW" of the Institute, shall preferably be conferred in person.
9. Each conferment should be accompanied by a citation. The format of the citation has to be left flexible enough so that it could be in accordance with the nature of contributions made by the person concerned (The Senate Search Committee may be entrusted with the drafting of the citation).
1. Nomination for the "Honorary Fellow" of the Institute may be made in response to the notifications issued by the Senate Search Committee from time to time.
2. Nominations for the honour of Professor Emeritus may be made jointly by not less than five faculty members (proposed, seconded and supported by three faculty members) of which atleast two must be members of the Senate.
3. The nomination proposal may also include a detailed resume and contributions of the individual concerned in the prescribed form.
4. These nominations may be sent to the Convener, Senate Search Committee, on or before a date duly notified for the purpose.
5. The Senate Search Committee would consider all the nominations received and may also consider any other names proposed suo-motto (on its own) as it may deem fit.
11. The Senate Search Committee will make appropriate proposals to the Senate once a year. In case,there are no proposals a NIL report will be made by 31st January every year.


1. Free library membership for Lifetime.
2. Invitation as a Distinguished person in important functions of the Institute
3. He/she will be shown all the courtesies due to a person having long association with the Institute and on whom a high honour has been conferred.

Downloadable blank forms for various honours are available here